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Kool Kids Philosophy

​Every child has the right to the best quality care possible and an opportunity to an excellent education. Kool Kids is designed to meet the needs of working parents by providing a full day program for children from infant through school age with an atmosphere of trust and respect and open communication with the families. We insure a safe, healthy, and happy learning environment for all children. Children need to be introduced to the important factors in life such as family, community, creativity, and self-worth. Children need to be taught love, respect, appreciation, and dignity. They also need to become aware of their own uniqueness and creativity. Children should be proud of their culture while learning to be sensitive to other cultures in our society. Children should always be heard and cared for in a nurturing and loving environment. They should be treated as individuals, and shown respect and compassion. Children need to be encouraged to be the best that they can possibly be, and for this they need to be offered the tools that will help them become successful in life.

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